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EBNJ Children Ministry “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (Matthew 19:14, NIV)."



·         He or she must be a born-again believer and is making every effort to be more and more like Christ Jesus.

·         Must possess demonstrated leadership abilities; gifts of administration and/or leadership a plus

·         Must possess good oral and written communication skills

·         Must possess excellent interpersonal skills including a special love for children

·         Reports to the associate pastor and the pastoral body

·         Provides overall leadership, guidance, and direction for the programs, and activities for children ministry

·         Reviews and evaluates all curricula

·         Encourages teachers and volunteers to further their growth in spiritual and technical knowledge through attendance at workers’ conferences, training courses, EBNJ seminars and conferences, private reading, personal Bible study, daily prayer, and if possible, Bible classes

·         Coordinates programming for all, services, activities, events, etc…

·         Assists the associate pastor in recruiting, training, and evaluation of the children ministry

·         Assists with transitioning of children from Children’s Ministry to Youth Ministry and beyond

·         Assists in devising policy standards for ministry participation

·         Assists in developing and implementing a comprehensive Youth Safety Program, including but not limited to emergency evacuation, First Aid procedures, reporting of accidents, reporting of abuse, etc.

·         Cultivates personal relationship with youth and younger children; actively and systematically visits everyone (one on one up to one on three) in children’s ministry at least once a year

·         Meets regularly with pastors, church board, teachers and volunteers for supervision, direction, and accountability

·         Develops personal relationship with other children ministry leaders in the area

·         Assists in the selection of preachers and worship directors for Sunday mornings, evenings and other assemblies

