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Mission Statement:

To Know God Through Christ (John 17:3), To Glorify Him (Philippians 2:5-11, Romans 12:1-2) and To Make Him Known (Matthew 28:19-20).

Vision Statement: Knowing Christ, Glorifying Christ, and Making Him Known

We envision our Youth Ministry to be an Exalting Community (Worship – expressing to God the honor and reverence due to Him, privately and corporately); an Edifying Community (Fellowship— desiring to live in fellowship for the purpose of attaining spiritual maturity and for the glory of our Lord); and an Evangelizing Community (Evangelism— seeking to win lost people for the cause of Christ and to disciple them to maturity in Christ).

Ministries: Christian Education; Evangelism; Worship; Fellowship; and Administration

Strategy: Knowing Christ; Glorifying Christ; and Making Christ Known.

The Strategy properly invests God’s resources. Therefore, we will equip each youth member to fulfill the work of the ministry.

God equips His people for the work of the ministry.
He has chosen us to accomplish His own purposes.
God uses our treasure to accomplish His will.

Implementing the Strategy:

To Know God: Christian Education; Administration
To Glorify God: Worship; Fellowship; Administration
To Make Him Known: Evangelism; Discipleship; Administration

Worship (Philippians 2:5-11): Worship Team; Musicians; M.O.G.; Amazing Grace; Shewawe; GLS

Fellowship (Ephesians 5:17-21): Maranatha; Young Adult Ministry; Counselors

Christian Education (II Timothy 4:20) Teachers; Preachers; Other Speakers

Administration (I Corinthians 14:26-40—doxological: glorifies God; I Corinthians 12:27-28—ecclesiastical: serves the church; Exodus 18:1-27 and Acts 6:1-6—pastoral: cares for the people): Ministry Leaders